When you’re making upgrades to your home, one of the most important considerations is resale value. The general rule is not to spend money you won’t be able to get back out of your house when you someday decide to sell it. One of the best ways to get a return on your home upgrade investment is to replace your windows. Here are five ways new windows add value to your home.

1. Energy Efficiency

Calculate $10,000 on replacing all your windows, but experts say if you choose energy efficient windows, they’ll pay for themselves in five years. New windows will keep the heat out in the summer and the cold out in the winter, saving money on your monthly electric bill. So not only will you increase the value of your home, you’ll enjoy immediate cost savings on your monthly heat and air bill. Some home buyers pull electric bills before making a buying decision,you’re your reduced utility cost could make the difference between your home and a comparably-priced home without energy efficient windows. Some homeowners insurance providers offer discounts for homeowners who choose energy efficient windows, in addition to the tax breaks you may get for having them installed.

2. Aesthetics

This part is the most obvious to potential home buyers. While energy efficiency is certainly a plus, most home buyers are paying attention to visual cues when looking at your house. Home buyers may not even register your window design consciously, but the look of your windows contributes to the overall look of both the exterior and interior of your house. New windows can also improve light coming into your house, which changes the overall brightness. Buyers are more likely to turn down a house they perceive as dark and gloomy, so by lightening things up, you can attract home buyers and improve your own quality of life.

3. Safety

One of your biggest worries as a homeowner is the safety of your family. Good windows can protect against break-ins, with criminals instead choosing to break into houses with lower-quality windows. This can give you the peace of mind you need. There are also some insurance discounts available for certain types of safety windows, since even insurance companies know the increased security they offer.

4. Storm Protection

Your home’s windows not only protect you from heat, cold, snow, and rain, they shelter you in a storm. Good windows can provide additional protection during severe storms—even tropical storms. Old windows are more likely to break during a severe storm, which can cause further damage and put your family at risk. During severe storms, broken windows could dramatically increase air pressure inside your house and escalate the chance of damage to your home’s structure. Additionally, some windows are easier to maintain, with tilt-in features that allow you to clean your outside windows from inside your house. Simply flip the latch and swivel your window toward you, wiping the glass clean. No more climbing on ladders or using long poles to clean your windows. This will help you clean your windows more often, adding to the overall look of both the exterior and interior of your room.

5. Noise Reduction

Often when potential buyers are considering your home, they are listening as well as looking. Good windows can insulate your home from noise as well as the elements, keeping out sounds of traffic and noisy neighbors. This ups the resale value of your home, as well as making life more peaceful during your remaining days there.

By upgrading your windows, you’ll improve the safety, appearance, and efficiency of your home. Whether you plan to sell soon or stay in your house a long time, replacing your windows will improve your home’s appearance and overall value.

FBI LLC is a full service exterior home contractor. We carry all major bands and take then time to become certified installers. Please consider us for all your roofing, siding and window projects.

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