Commercial and industrial buildings have long recognized the need for periodic preventative maintenance to optimize roof system service life. However, many homeowners and multifamily residential property managers seldom perform necessary routine roof system inspections and maintenance.

Many Professional Building Associations are concerned long-term warranties offered by many residential roofing product manufacturers do not necessarily ensure satisfactory roof system performance. Warranties often contain provisions that significantly limit the manufacturer’s liability and consumer’s remedies in the event problems develop or roof system damage occurs. Most warranties also require roof systems to be properly maintained.


The best way for a homeowner or multifamily residential property manager to ensure satisfactory post-installation roof system performance is to perform periodic maintenance through a formalized, long-term maintenance program. Formalized maintenance programs offer the following advantages:

  1. Maintenance is proactive. It helps identify problems early when they can be corrected relatively easily and before they become more widespread.
  2. Maintenance can reveal sources of leaks before they occur.
  3. Response time to address leakage is greatly reduced. Warranty repairs, on the other hand, take time to be processed while problems remain unresolved.
  4. Maintenance allows for a planned approach to roof management and future roof-related

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