You may not have considered the potential benefits of windows when it comes to saving money. However, installing the right windows can dramatically improve your home’s energy efficiency. Windows that are damaged or old can cause air leakage and pose a safety risk. Windows that are damaged can leave your home open to the elements and invite pests into your home. It is important to take care when choosing the right windows.

What is the right time to replace your Windows?

Every homeowner wants to save money, but replacing windows can be a costly project that will require many expenses. It is a good idea to determine when your windows should be replaced. Windows are not built to last 20-30 years, contrary to popular belief. Windows that are damaged are not only a nuisance but also a drain on your pocket and a danger to your safety. Here are some things to think about if you aren’t sure if your windows need replacement.

  1. Higher utility bills: By letting the sun shine in, your windows can heat your home during winter. However, a damaged window can allow cold drafts to enter your home. This means that your furnace will have to work harder to heat your home. Your utility bills can rise up to 15%-25% if you have drafty windows. However, replacing old windows with energy-efficient windows can help reduce your utility bills.
  2. Your home may be old: Windows don’t last forever. If your home is older, it’s likely that your windows are too. You can check for signs of wear and tear if you are unsure of the age of your windows. If your windows have faded coloring or warped materials, it is time to replace them.
  3. You are planning major renovations: You need to think about your windows if you are planning on a major renovation of your home. You can increase the curb appeal of your home by installing new windows. They can also improve your lighting quality.
  4. Windows can be hot or cold to touch: It won’t be a good idea to insulate your house with windows that aren’t worth replacing. You might need to replace your windows if they are too hot in the summer and cold in the winter.
  5. Visible cracks and damages: Although it sounds obvious, if your windows start to show visible damage, it is time to replace them. You should be on the lookout for signs such as cracked panes or warped materials, or broken frames.
  6. Furniture and carpet that is fading: Windows are meant to block harmful UV light from entering your home. However, if the colors in your home start to fade, you may need to replace them.

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Things to Look For When You Get Window Replacement

Not only can new windows help you save money on your utility bills but they also make your home more secure by keeping out unwanted guests or intruders. When installing money-saving windows, there are many things to take into consideration. Each window can work individually to reduce your home’s utility bills. Here are some ways to save money when you install windows.

  1. The best frame is the one you choose: There are many types of window frames. The factors that will determine which one will be best for you home include the look, cost, maintenance, and performance. The most expensive frame is fiberglass, but they are very efficient in terms of energy efficiency due to their low thermal conductivity. While wood frames can be used for insulation, they require a lot more upkeep in humid climates. Vinyl is an energy-efficient and affordable option, but it might not be appealing to all homeowners.
  2. Invest in double-pane: Double-pane windows are not able to provide much insulation or protection from the elements. Double pane windows will dramatically improve the insulation of your home. They protect your home from ultraviolet light and prevent heat from escaping during winter.
  3. Consider glazed glass: Double pane windows can be double-paned. Windows with Low-E coatings can increase their energy efficiency. Low-E coatings let in visible light but block out infrared heat.
  4. Seek out the ratings: Last, consider the rating of your window. Window ratings should be obtained by looking for windows with Energy Star ratings. These windows should have a sticker that tells you the U-value and solar heat gain coefficient (SHGC). The U-value of a window will indicate how resistant it is to heat loss. The solar heat gain coefficient of a window will tell you how much heat is lost through it. The window will be more efficient if both ratings are lower.

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